Have your say on the future of Claygate

Hundreds of Claygate residents are protesting the lack of consultation by Claygate's Councillors (including Bruce McDonald, leader of Elmbridge Borough Council) after it emerged a private deal has been struck with developers for a three-storey supermarket to replace Torrington Lodge car park next to The Parade. The secrecy of this deal has been met with widespread shock.

Please share your views (for, or against) on the plans to reshape the centre of Claygate so I can make sure they are heard.

Claygate Torrington Lodge Survey

  • Current Torrington Lodge Car Park
  • Your details
  • Our Plan for Claygate
  • Get involved
1. Do you support the building of a new supermarket at Torrington Lodge car park?
2.1 Support for small, independent shops who would be adversely affected with the presence of a new supermarket.
2.2 Increased traffic through the village to a new supermarket.
2.3 Better community engagement and input into the future of Claygate.